
Hasil Polling September
Apa album favorit yang paling kamu tunggu bulan ini:

Alter Bridge - Fortress

12.2% (25 vote)

Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2

37.07% (76 vote)

Dream Theater - Dream Theater

24.88% (51 vote)

Sting - The Last Ship

3.9% (8 vote)

Jessie J - Alive

12.2% (25 vote)

Kings of Leon - Mechanical Bull

1.46% (3 vote)

The Wanted - Word of Mouth

1.46% (3 vote)

Avicii - True

3.9% (8 vote)

Sheryl Crow - Feels Like Home

1.95% (4 vote)

Arctic Monkeys - AM

0.98% (2 vote)

Total : 205 Vote

Halaman : 49 / 77

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